From benchmarking confidence around clinical procedures to ensuring more autism-friendly Urgent Care and creating more comprehensive STI education, UCF partners on projects and cultivates resources to continually further the education of and empower Urgent Care professionals. 

The Urgent Care Research Grants Program invites UCA members to apply for UCF funding to support projects and research that serve to further Urgent Care medicine as a specialty, contribute to the library of published research on Urgent Care, address known Urgent Care organization gaps and create pathways for continued progress.  

Strategic Initiatives

5-Year Strategic Plan

Join us as a partner in our strategic initiatives for Urgent Care and align yourself with the important work in Advocacy, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, and Antibiotic Stewardship. 

Raising Awareness
The Dee Chapman Fund UCF is raising funds for a multi-year public relations campaign to launch in 2025.  This campaign will first target the healthcare workforce to support the workforce shortages in urgent care.  In subsequent years the campaign will target patients, to continue to support continued visit growth to urgent care centers.
Urgent Care Research Grants Program 

The Urgent Care Foundation serves to advance awareness of Urgent Care and advance educational and scientific excellence in the field of Urgent Care medicine by inspiring and contributing to research, education, clinical and practice management leadership, as well as innovation in new and emerging healthcare delivery models.